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Wisdom in Chengdu, a win-win situation for billions of enterprises-Runxing Technology Chengdu Branch Opening Ceremony was a complete success
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Wisdom in Chengdu, a win-win situation for billions of enterprises-Runxing Technology Chengdu Branch Opening Ceremony was a complete success

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2018-12-31 18:10
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Wisdom in Chengdu, a win-win situation for billions of enterprises-Runxing Technology Chengdu Branch Opening Ceremony was a complete success

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2018-12-31 18:10
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  On December 28, 2018, the opening ceremony of the Chengdu branch of Guangdong Runxing Technology Co., Ltd. was held at No. 3, Liandong U Valley, No. 1111, Changshengqiao Road, Modern Industrial Port North District, Pidu District, Chengdu!

  In this mid-winter season, we ushered in this long-awaited big day with great excitement. Guests from all over the world gathered together to witness this sacred moment together! With festive music, colorful fireworks, and opening ceremony Officially begin!



Celebration scene


  The chairman of the company, Mr. Zhou Wenyuan, delivered a speech at the ceremony, expressing his most sincere gratitude to the leaders and guests who participated in the celebration during his busy schedule! At the same time, he pointed out: "All-round industrial upgrading for China's equipment manufacturing" is our mission of Runxing Technology. Technologists carry this mission. High-end equipment manufacturing is favored by the market for its "high technical content, high added value, and a core position in the industrial chain". In December 2018, the company's investment in the construction of a high-end equipment manufacturing industrial park in Zhongxian County, Chongqing has officially started, and the first phase is expected to be completed and put into operation in June 2019. This layout is geared towards the brand marketing center of the high-end CNC equipment industry in Southwest China and even the whole country. It is committed to providing customers with a one-stop sales experience. Runxing Technology will definitely live up to expectations and provide the source of power for the rapid development of the industrial economy in Southwest China.




  ▲Chairman Zhou Wenyuan delivered a speech

  Director Li of the Management Committee of Chengdu Modern Industrial Port gave ardent expectations and blessings to the opening of Runxing Technology Chengdu Branch, and hoped that Runxing Technology will have a better tomorrow! From the speech of Director Li, we were deeply moved and greatly benefited.




  ▲ Congratulations from the guest director Li

  The general manager of the company, Mr. Ma Tao, gave a speech of thanks. On behalf of the Chengdu branch and individuals, I would like to thank all the leaders and all the staff of the company for their hard work. It also urges all employees of the company to abide by the law, work down-to-earth, and strive to turn dreams into reality and let ideals fly. Through our professionalism and the experience accumulated in the manufacturing industry along the way and the spirit of continuous exploration and struggle, for every valued customer , To offer the most conscientious products, the best quality service.




  ▲General Manager Ma Tao gave a thank-you speech

  2018 is the 40th anniversary of my country's reform and opening up. Forty years of hardship and hardship, Runxing Technology will also seize opportunities, face difficulties, ride the wind and waves, and make what it deserves for the development of my country's high-end equipment manufacturing field and the world. contribute.

  Chengdu Branch's main business




  Main products: vertical machining center, drilling and tapping machining center, gantry machining center, horizontal machining center, glass processing machine, ceramic processing machine, industrial robot, intelligent overall solution.

  Contact address: Yinhu Industrial Park, Xiegang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong

  Welcome customers to come to the site to communicate and negotiate!

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